The curriculum at Academy Hill focuses on the skills that create success in higher education and in life. From the pre-K level through grade 8, we tailor each child’s education to fit his or her own individual strengths and learning style. We build flexibility into our daily schedule to allow each student to work at his or her own pace, to accelerate as necessary and to have the opportunity to explore personal areas of interest.
Academy Hill offers a very challenging curriculum at the elementary school and middle school levels. We send our students the message that they are up to the challenge.

Research and Presentation
At the core of our elementary school curriculum is the Good Morning Show. This daily event offers young students the tools to present on subjects of their choosing. Students in K through 5 participate in this unique program by making three to six oral presentations per year and observing and discussing their peers’ presentations. The three-minute presentations on self-selected topics are diverse, entertaining, and informative.
Students are required to conduct extensive research and preparation for their presentations. Early instruction in public speaking lays the foundation for our students to become great leaders and communicators in higher education and in life.
Presenters receive constructive feedback about five aspects of their presentation:
- Evidence of preparation
- Audience learning
- Creativity
- Audio-visual aids
- Personal affect
Building Skills: Forum
Forum is the Middle School complement of the Good Morning Show. In Forum, students in grades 6 through 8 deliver research or performance-based presentations. The presentations are longer and far more extensive than Good Morning Show presentations, allowing the student to engage deeply in the subject that they have chosen to present. Students follow detailed guidelines and instruction which encourage high level public speaking skills.
These presentations are built around group themes. This allows individual presenters to build on each other’s work and nurture an extended dialogue on a group of ideas.
Why Singapore Math?
Academy Hill utilizes the Singapore Math® curriculum at the elementary school level (grades K-5). We have chosen the Singapore Math method because it is rooted in sound science and deep research regarding the way people, and particularly young children, learn mathematical concepts. The Singapore Math method uses a three-step learning process: concrete, pictorial and abstract. Instruction is paced to the needs of each individual student.
Singapore Math® maintains an appropriate balance between drill and creative problem solving and moves students more quickly and rationally toward abstract concepts. Compared to more traditional materials that cover a larger number of topics rather superficially, Singapore Math® solidly builds the core math concepts that will best prepare students for the challenges of a more advanced math program. There is an emphasis on classwork and practice and an effective mix of word problems, drills and mental calculations. This approach stimulates clarity of thought, communication skill in the language of mathematics, and adaptability to problem solving.
The curriculum is extremely clear, highly logical and sequential, with a strong focus on mental math. Our teachers strive to provide students with strong opportunities to practice without resorting to rote repetition. Challenging word problems build thinking skills and help students apply math in a variety of situations. Our curriculum has proven effective at preparing students for advanced secondary and postsecondary study in mathematics.
The Kindergarten curriculum incorporates a wide range of activities designed to introduce children to key basic math concepts including color, shape, size, number, length, weight, capacity, time, money, and graphs. This approach helps students to begin their lives with a positive competence in math, leading to lifelong mastery and confidence in this subject.
Grades 1-5
The Primary Program (grades 1 through 5) builds a foundation of thinking that positions students for more advanced math. The curriculum first introduces students to key concepts with concrete examples and pictures. Then, the students are led progressively and logically to understand the abstract concept.
Grades 6-8
Middle School students start with a course in Pre-Algebra in Grade 6 and progress through our curriculum as mastery of each level of math is demonstrated. Students in the Middle School can participate in Algebra I, Geometry, or Algebra II, contingent upon school-based assessment results. Application of content knowledge along with in-depth problem-solving are required as students work from one subject to the next.

Our English Language Arts/Literacy program provides our students with extraordinary opportunities in the areas of listening, speaking, reading and writing. We focus not only on developing reading skills but also on opportunities for instruction in written and spoken expression, as well as exposure to a vast array of literary genres that stimulate and engage developing minds. Students throughout the grade levels are taught how to research and present topics. By training students in these skills early on, we build a foundation for effective communication and leadership in their academic careers and in life.
All the skills required for success are taught and practiced in an engaging, interactive manner. Children conduct author studies, create plays and officiate at Author’s Teas, where they share their own literary accomplishments. Children begin the study of word stems in grade 4 and continue their study through grade 8. We utilize a variety of sources, including Michael Clay Thompson’s thoughtful series of grammar and vocabulary texts. Literature selections range from classic to contemporary. Some texts are taught in conjunction with the Social Studies material, while others are taught by themselves.
We take care to provide students with some choice and to find sufficiently challenging books with age-appropriate content.

Academy Hill’s robust science curriculum focuses not only on teaching scientific information, but also on equipping innovative and insightful thinkers. Our science curriculum, beginning at the elementary school level and continuing through the middle school, is built around teaching students scientific process skills:
- Observing
- Communicating
- Predicting
- Hypothesizing
- Drawing conclusions
- Inferring
- Estimating
- Measuring
- Working with variables and data
Each grade level investigates topics in Earth and Space Science, Life Science and Physical Science. Our older students additionally explore Cell Biology, Energy Based Physics and Chemistry.
Experiments are largely hands-on, giving the students a real feel for the craft of a scientist. Our state-of-the-art science lab was constructed in 2015.

Our Spanish program is designed to establish proficiency in Spanish by the end of grade 8, starting with early instruction at the elementary school level – the time in their lives when our students’ minds are best equipped to learn a language. At each level of our program, students acquire more advanced vocabulary, build on grammar concepts and improve upon oral and written proficiency. Classroom experiences are varied to provide students with as many opportunities as possible for language acquisition as well as developing an understanding of other cultures.
By the time our students enter high school, they are often several years ahead of their peers. This provides the opportunity to learn another language at the high school level or to pursue advanced study in the language they learned at Academy Hill, including preparing for the Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate tests.

At the Middle School level, Academy Hill students use Latin via Ovid, which uses adapted versions of the myths in Ovid’s Metamorphoses to teach the grammar of Latin. As they progress, they are able to appreciate more and more of Ovid’s original work and read some excerpts from other authors.
Our students are prepared to take the National Latin Exam starting at the Introductory level in sixth grade. Moreover, the Latin vocabulary works with the stems and derivatives that students learn in their other classes to give them a strong understanding of both Latin and English.
+ After School Care
In addition to our SPARK classes, we provide extended private daycare programs for students after school.
Our after school program starts at 3:10pm and ends at 5:30pm. Students receive a snack and have quiet homework time. Students also go outside and engage in structured activities with our staff.
CLICK HERE for additional information and to register your child.
+ Fine and Performing Arts
Academy Hill is committed to studying art disciplines as recommended by the National Standards of Education in the Arts. Visual Arts standards at the elementary school level focus on general art knowledge and skills to help create a foundation for artistic study in later years, including drawing, painting, sculpture, and graphic design.
Art classes within the elementary grades help students understand how media, technique and process are used to create works of art. Art classes at the middle school level expand on the elementary foundation in understanding and skills in the visual arts in an exploratory manner.
At Academy Hill, we believe that art education is an essential and fundamental part of personal growth and intellectual development. Through art, most aspects of human nature can be identified, encouraged and nurtured. While some of our students will go on to be tomorrow’s great artists, many more will benefit from the art curriculum as they become innovators and visionaries in their chosen fields.
The goal of Academy Hill’s music program is to introduce students to a variety of musical experiences that incorporate listening, singing, playing instruments, movement, and composing to instill an appreciation and knowledge of music as a creative art form that students can participate in throughout their lives.
Students learn how to read standard musical notation to have a common language for singing and playing instruments such as the recorder, ukulele and Orff percussion instruments, both as soloists and in classroom ensembles. Students also improvise and compose music using these classroom instruments.
Students learn to sing a variety of songs from their own and other cultures in unison, rounds and parts with proper vocal technique. In addition, the music curriculum incorporates movement throughout all the grade levels, including folk dances from a variety of cultures. Students listen to a variety of musical styles and discuss what makes a piece of music art and how music is an integral part of our culture. Students work cooperatively in classroom musical ensembles, learning to create and perform music as part of a group.
+ Physical Education
Academy Hill’s physical education curriculum emphasizes not only the body, but also teamwork and other skills surrounding athletic performance that are applicable to any field. Academy Hill students learn social skills and are held to high standards of sportsmanship. They learn to work as part of a team, persevere and achieve goals.
Our physical education curriculum is designed to provide our students with opportunities to develop individual competence and versatility in motor skill development and fitness. Locomotor skills, movement concepts, throwing and catching, and space awareness are skills that are developed through demonstration, repetition and practice. Students apply and practice the skills they have learned in cooperative games and team sports.

Enrichment Clusters
Enrichment Clusters are an integral part of the student experience here at Academy Hill.
During the spring trimester, students work in multi-age groups around a common topic that they want to explore. During day long sessions, students are immersed in the topic and work collaboratively with the facilitator to explore the topic from many different angles. The three days conclude with an exposition of all of our students’ work during an all-school meeting.

Similar to how The Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in the Harry Potter series was divided into four Houses (Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin), The Academy Hill School (AHS) sorts students from across grade levels into Houses for the year. Houses at AHS serve as living, learning, and leading communities for its students to get to know their school mates.

Finale Program
In addition to the many many rituals and routines at Academy Hill, we also come together as a school on the final Friday of every month for school wide recognitions, announcements, chants, cheers, and songs.