Mark Your Calendars!
Here's a list of AHSPA Sponsored Events You Might Want to Attend
1. Halloween party - Scheduled on or before October 31st. This is not only a fun day for the academy but also an iconic tradition. Students and staff wear costumes to school, but the party starts at 1:00 and includes a parade, stations students participate in, and lots of good food to eat. Parents are encouraged to stop by the academy and of course dress up in a costume. We ask for volunteers to help run the stations and for donations for food and prizes.
2. School Photo Day - Traditionally scheduled the second week of October. Photos are taken by local photographer Sarah at Sarah takes wonderful photos of the students, classes, and an all-school photo. She also offers sibling photos, which we suggest you take advantage of. The siblings do not have to attend Academy Hill, but they do need to come to the school the morning of photo day. These photos make great holiday cards and gifts.
3. Grandparents Day - Traditionally scheduled in early November. Parents are asked to donate baked goods, hand out name tags and monitor refreshments during the morning of the event.
4. International Feast - Traditionally scheduled in mid-January on a Friday evening. This is a "pot luck" dinner held each year at the academy. Families bring in their favorite dishes and it is truly a "feast" of wonderful food and lots of fun for the students, families and staff.
5. Family Day at High Meadows- Traditionally scheduled the 2nd Monday of May. Parents should take this day off from work (or identify another AHS parent who can chaperone child for the day). This is an annual event for Academy Hill students, families and staff. Academy Hill is closed for the day as we take a break from the classroom and spend the day eating, playing, swimming, singing, dancing and more eating at the High Meadows campground in Granby, CT. The academy does not provide transportation to or from High Meadows.
6. Teacher Appreciation Week - Traditionally scheduled the 2nd week of May. Throughout the year, we choose ways to show our appreciation to the faculty and staff at Academy Hill. Teacher Appreciation week is a week filled with food, fun and small tokens of appreciation.
7. Art Show - Traditionally scheduled the third week of May. This is a fun social event for the students. They love to show off their art work to family and enjoy refreshments with friends. The Show's opening is scheduled on a weekday evening.
8. Graduation - Scheduled the last day of school. Eighth grade Graduation is held at a local College or University and the entire school participates in the ceremony. Many parents take this day off from work as the ceremony concludes by 11am.